Tuesday, August 10, 2004
More photos
View from hostel window in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Angel of Victory... or Peace... or something, in Vienna, Austria.
House of the Robber-Baron. Somewhere in Slovenia.
"A man whose legs are fish tails offering a woman a big fish, or maybe a kiss from said big fish. I don't think she wants it..."
Priests at the door of their church, which looks like a bomb went off inside because the walls are bare and broken and the stone decorations are missing or ruinous. They are applauding our choir as we rehearse in the town square of Sopron, Hungary.
A photo of girls from the choir all trying to take photos of the rest of us, who are all lined up on the steps of our hostel in Budapest, Hungary.
The white, fairy-tale battlements at a church on a hill overlooking Budapest, Hungary.
Trevor (girl from the choir) and I looking nonchalant and slightly bored on the spectacular fairy-tale battlements high on the hill overlooking Budapest, Hungary. Behind us (across the river Danube) are the massive and truly spectacular parliament buildings, which are *actually* totally AMAZING. Do we care? Apparently not; we've seen it all.
My buddies in business class, when we got bumped up because there wasn't enough room on the plane and we were last to check in. We drank Champagne because we could.
My excercise clothes for early morning physical warm-ups during the competition week (Nova Gorica/Gorizia, Slovenia/Italy). I think they really bring out my eyes. Actually, it was a dare, and I got caught on camera doing stretches and Tai-Chi by the documentary crew... There's another thing to pray about...
Doug in Concarneau.